Medical Exam & Transport Chairs

A good medical exam and transport chair is essential for any healthcare facility, whether you need to transport patients or provide specialized care such as gynecological exams, chemotherapy or phlebotomy treatment. Browse our range of chairs suited for podiatric and ENT care today!

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Pedia Pals 6WHL55 Patient Transport Chair
$2,234.99 $1,655.00
Description Pedia Pals 6WHL55 Patient Transport Chair Ships Within 6-8 Weeks Introducing the Pedia Pals 6WHL55 Patient Transport Chair, a stainless steel marvel designed to revolutionize patient transport with its innovative...

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Pedia Pals Transport Wheel Chair
$4,880.99 $3,615.00
Description Pedia Pals Transport Wheel Chair Requires 6-8 Weeks for Delivery Introducing the Pedia Pals Transport Wheelchair, an innovative solution designed with space-saving in mind thanks to its nestable design....